Episode 02: How I Started Pais + Haze Creative Co., My Journey Over the Years, and Navigating Motherhood and Entrepreneurship


In this podcast episode, I share the story of how I started my business, Pais + Haze Creative Co., and the different stages of growth and slow seasons throughout the last 7 years. I talk about imposter syndrome, struggling to be content with your current success, and how becoming a mom completely changed my passion and motivation for my career.

Through getting married, 2 house moves, suffering loss, and starting a family, my desire to pursue entrepreneurship has been tested and I have had to dig deep to identify if I want to keep going. In this episode, I'm being honest about how long it took me to get back to work after having a baby, how it can really feel to be a parent and choose to work, and setting boundaries to create a healthy balance and environment for my family.

If after listening to this you can relate and feel like you're in need of a Brand Strategist & Coach, I highly recommend working with Jessie Christensen. If you're ready to uplevel or establish your branding visuals, website, or social media presence, let's chat!

Do you prefer listening to podcasts or watching them as videos? Let me know by shooting me a message on Instagram!

Follow @brandmamapod to join the community on Instagram!
Follow @paisandhaze on Instagram to keep up with Pais + Haze Creative Co.
Visit www.paisandhaze.com for branding, website, and social services

Click here to submit a question or apply to be a guest!


Episode 03: Raising Kids, Building Careers, and Supporting Friends with Realtor Danielle Doty (Pt. 1)


Episode 01: What is a Brand Mama?